Latest news from Chef CJ Volkmann
What’s your favorite thing to cook?
My favorite meal would be… This is a question I get all the time… It is usually accompanied with “what’s your favorite thing to cook” or “what is the best dish you make”, and the answer to those questions is… Braised Beef Short Ribs! When I started focusing on my...
Me and my Cookbooks
Me and my Cookbooks On this blog post, I want to talk about why I decided to put out my eCookbooks. The first thing people might think, would be I do it for money, a little extra income. And I would say to those people…. you are correct! Have you seen gas prices these...
Thermometers, and what I use.
Why an instant read thermometer is the most important tool in your cooking arsenal! I have to tell you when I first started out on my cooking journey, I had no clue instant read thermometers existed. As I grew in my culinary journey, I learned that having one improved...
Why I became a content creator …
For my first blog I figured it would talk about why I became a cooking creator. It’s funny how I fell into this crazy life. My oldest son was in a digital filming class in high school, with dreams of going to film school for college. A brilliant idea popped into my...
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